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Cashflow Predictor

Cash is king. This notion has not been truer than right now.

Cashflow Predictor has been developed by us to use the historical data from your bank account in Xero to predict your cashflow 90 days from now.

Importantly, the tool allows you to adjust income and expenses in line with the dynamic and difficult environment, so you can see the changes in your predicted bank balance. It is designed to be updated and to roll forward after reconciling daily bank statements.

Anyone with basic bookkeeping and Excel skills will be able to use this. On this page you will find the 5 “over the shoulder” videos, downloadable set of step-by-step instructions and the Cashflow Predictor template in Excel format.

1. Intro to the 90-day Cashflow Planner
2. Worksheet Manipulation
3. Manipulate the Data
4. Putting it All Together
5. Updating & Maintaining

Need Support?

Cashflow Predictor is designed as a free “do it yourself” product. However, if you need support, training, or someone to complete the spreadsheet for you, we have put together a done-for-you support package for $295.

The package includes 500 transactions and 3 support calls. If you are interested, simply fill out the form below and we’ll take it from there.

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